Thank you for allowing me to share my thoughts and ideas with you. And thank you to everyone who has reached out and asked questions, attended the forum, visited this blog, and opened your door - I really appreciated it. As you are considering who to vote for tomorrow, I hope you will have an opportunity to look over my posts and background.
I do love this work. It brings me joy and, I believe, that is why I am good at it. I’ve heard from many of you that more conversation around the OCP would be appreciated. There are some gaps within the document that if addressed could help mitigate some of the existing uncertainty. I’ve had encouragement to host more regular Area F meetings so that our communities feel consistently engaged rather than issue-driven. I think that is a great idea and I am 100% onboard.
If elected, community engagement will always be my primary focus.
I will set out to establish an experienced and representative Advisory Planning Commission. I will prioritize building a relationship with our neighbours to address and support future KVR plans. I will actively engage with the School Board and work towards a Shared Use Agreement that will benefit the Greater West Bench. I will commit to sharing and updating all of our communities around any infrastructure proposals or ideas. I will be accessible, available and transparent.
I will work with the communities of Faulder and Meadow Valley to figure out what we can do to mitigate the flood situation and I will support in any way I can the FireSmart practices for the communities. I will commit to bringing my community building experience to address issues that are specific to the challenges of living in a more rural area such as helping to organize a community-led solution to transportation needs.
I will work with Redwing residents and assist where I can as the PIB begins the First Nation’s reference jurisdiction transition rate plan.
And well I love working on complex issues, it is often the small improvements that bring great and immediate impact. I am curious to review the private SOS Security company findings and share the results with you. I will follow up with Sgt. Dellebuur around Citizens on Patrol and Speed-Check. Perhaps we could take a look and see how to make Mariposa Park less appealing to after-hours visitors.
I am really excited for the opportunity to work with you all, thank you for your consideration.
As always if you have any questions or comments to share I would love to hear from you.