​Here is the public transit history that I can gather from chatting with RDOS staff and past Director Brydon's blog:
The Greater West Bench had a bus route as some point... perhaps in the 90s? But, the service was discontinued.
The community revisited the issue in 2006 when BC Transit conducted a local Transit Study.
In 2008, an Area "F" resident survey assessed the willingness of residents to pay for public transit.
In 2010 a Regional Citizen Survey was completed.
Both surveys demonstrated support for public transit service.
In 2011, BC Transit required a 'Transit Future Plan' for future transit expansions. The RDOS hired a transportation planning consultant to complete a Regional Transit Review.
2015, the 'Transit Future Plan' was completed and Greater West Bench Transit Service could be placed in the queue for extended services.
2019, Greater West Bench / Sage Mesa is now at the top of the queue with BC Transit.
If you enjoying reviewing old surveys, the ones referred above are attached below. : )