Canadians are proactive and considerate. We are also smart. We see what is happening around the world, we take the lessons offered and do our part.
The only way to control the spread of this virus is through community behaviour. That is you, me, your family, your staff or employer... it is all of us. You've heard the drill... avoid close contact with people unless it is necessary. Never shake hands. Cancel/avoid unnecessary travel. Do not touch your face. Wash your hands. Wash your hands. Wash your hands. Get out into the sunshine and fresh air. Stay positive.
Social distancing is how we will protect those who are more vulnerable than ourselves. It is how we support our health care providers and workers on the front lines, risking their own health, in an effort to keep us well.
For most this will just be a mild flu and mostly likely will come out the other side fine. For some, there will be complications and a hospital stay required - and there is the crux. We do not want our hospitals overwhelmed with complications from a virus that could have been slowed or avoided. When our hospitals are overwhelmed, where does the person in cardiac arrest go? Where does the victim of a car accident or the child suffering from an asthma attack get care?
So what to do in the coming weeks?
Phone or text one another, make sure your neighbours are ok. If you are not in self-isolation, see if you can help pick up essentials for those who are choosing to stay in. This neighbour-care is already happening in Area "F" via social media. This is community in action, watching out for one another. Thank you Area "F"!
If you are not on social media and need help, please let me know. You are not alone in this - there are people who want to help.
Don't succumb to panic buying. Clearing out the shelves of local grocery stores because you can means you are adding an unnecessary hardship on those who can not.
Spend time with family and close friends. Stick to small groups. Go outside and soak in the sunshine and fresh air.
Feeling well and not self-isolating? Support local business in a way that makes you comfortable while following the recommendations and guidelines of Interior Health.
Stay informed.
But not so over-informed that you can no longer see the good in the day to day.
Here is who I am listening to and reading:
Anything from Dr. Bonnie Henry, BC's provincial health officer. Thank you to our political leaders for stepping aside and giving our province's expert the podium. Dr. Henry has been a pillar.
Websites to visit for accurate and up to date information:
BC Centre for Disease Control
Chatelaine has a quick and easy read on Self-Isolation FAQ
Two very good articles on benefits and impact of self-isolation:
Feeling anxious?
Thank you for reading and if you have any questions or concerns, please reach out. You can connect with me here on this blog, via email or call me at 250-488-0246.
Stay well,
hello Riley: It occurred to me today that there will be a necessity to have a site that can do the assessing and testing for the virus other than the emergency room at the hospital. I recommend looking at the shatford center on main street. they have the facilities to keep social distance and a commercial kitchen which could provide meals to those house bound such as the elderly. an elevator and front door which can be opened with an elbow bump. a staff could provide sanitation in the elevator and directions. I hope you are involved in some of the community planning. some help may need to be provided to some people for involvement in social media. I thin…