On February 21, 2019, the Board directed staff to amend Bylaw 2849 to further clarify what is a permitted form of “home occupation” and “home industry”. This Administration recommendation was precipitated by Health Canada’s introduction of a new type of production licence for cannabis called ‘micro cultivation’. Here's more on that if you are interested (it begins on page 58).
Here is what this means to "home industry" on the Greater West Bench:
“Home Industry” is only permitted as an accessory use in the Resource Area (RA), Agricultural Two (AG2), Agriculture Three (AG3), Large Holdings One (LH1) and Small Holdings Two (SH2) zones. All of these zones specify a minimum parcel size of not less than 2.0 ha.
“Home industry” is prohibited in all other zones, such as the SH5, RS1 and RS2 that apply to most parcels in the “Greater West Bench”.
If the parcel is over 2.0 ha in area and is zoned SH5, RS1 and RS2, “home industry” is still not a permitted use.
This is a quote from our Planning Manager, Chris Garrish, “Accordingly, and what I think is more important for the Greater West Bench than any discussion about home industry is the discussion about “home occupations”, as this use is allowed in all zones in the Greater West Bench. The changes proposed for home occupations clarify that, amongst other things, the outdoor storage of materials and equipment associated with a contractor, trade or mobile service; and the salvage or repair of motor vehicles, boats, or other machinery as a commercial venture are not considered home occupations."
Below is a zoning map for Greater West Bench. It shows the six parcels that allow for “home industry”. These properties are zone either as a Resource Area (RA) or a Large Holdings One (LH1). For more information on what is permitted on RA or LH1 zones, see the following pages in the Area “F” Zoning Bylaw. Resource Area Zone - page 52 - 54. Large Holdings Zone - page 61 - 63.
At the March 7, 2019 Board meeting, the Planning Department reviewed the ’1.0 Hectare Policy’ and recommended that Okanagan Electoral Area Official Community Plan Bylaws and Zoning be amended to allow accessory dwelling units (carriage houses) in Small Holdings and Low-Density Residential except for the Greater West Bench until hazard conditions can be adequately reviewed. This review is scheduled for Q3, 2019.
In the meantime, Administration is proposing a new Small Holdings West Bench (SH6) and Residential Single Family West Bench (RS6). Neither SH6 or RS6 will permit “home industry”.
As always, if you have any questions or comments please let me know.
Take care,
Riley Gettens
Director of Electoral Area "F"
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