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  • Writer's pictureRiley Gettens

Puncturevine on West Bench Hill

Some light has been shone on the mystery of my sons' constant flat tires! Puncturevine!

Extremely grateful to Margaret Holm for bringing this to our attention and taking the time to begin to clear the patch she found. Margaret removed about ten small plants and one large one, but there are still many more with sharp seeds already scattered. This patch is near Lazy Dog vineyard.

Please stay on alert for this plant. This isn't the first time we have seen it in West Bench.

According to Lisa Scott from Oasis, there was a small patch just above Docs Driving Range about 15 years ago and an outbreak on private land near the school around the same time.

Please download the PDF for information on identifying this plant and what to do if you find it. Please visit Oasiss for more information and to let them know if you see this invasive plant.

Thank you, Margaret, for your photos and taking action. Thank you for the PDF, Lisa and OASISS (Okanagan Similkameen Invasive Species Society).

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