If you are interested in having a say on land use matters in Area "F", please consider volunteering for the Area "F" Advisory Planning Commission.
The role of an Advisory Planning Commission (APC) is to provide input on matters relating to land use planning and management at the local government level. More information. This is an important commission as you help inform the board on land use matters within Area "F".
Area “F” will meet on the second Monday of each month. You may join the meeting in-person at 101 Martin Street or electronically starting at 12:00 pm. It would be helpful to be familiar with our Area's guiding document, the Official Community Plan adopted in September 2018.
Happy to answer any questions that you may have or you can email RDOS's Planning Manager Chris Garrish at cgarrish@rdos.bc.ca
Thank you for your consideration and for those who have already volunteered.