Wildfire Urban Interface Symposium
The Wildland Urban Interface Symposium in Penticton is an annual event aimed to improve the response to wildfires. It involves BC Wildfire Service, municipal fire service staff and industry experts. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it was necessary to cancel the 2020 and 2021 symposiums.
We are back and pleased to present the Wildland Urban Interface Symposium (WUI) April 22-24, 2022.
The WUI2022 Program details the courses offered and Registration opens Monday, February 7, 2022.
We will follow all Provincial health orders for organized gatherings and events. Contact Us Penticton Fire Department Phone: 250-490-2300 Email: fire@penticton.ca
Homeowner Permission to Access Property
If your home is in a wildland interface neighbourhood and you would like to support WUI 2022 training, we would be interested in hearing from you. The training will focus on your home being evaluated by firefighters and simulation on how we may protect your home from wildfire.
Interested homeowners can complete the Permission to Access Property form and email it to fire@penticton.ca or drop it off at Fire Station 201, 250 Nanaimo Ave. West.