This Thursday, the board will consider reading the RDOS budget for the second time. The next step is for a third reading and adoption in March. If you have any concerns or questions, now is the time to let me know.
In an RDOS, most services are user-supported. For example, only those who receive water from the West Bench Water System pay for the West Bench Water System. In Greater West Bench, citizens pay the City of Penticton for Fire Protection. No one in Faulder, Meadow Valley, Red Wing, or North Beach pays for the service as they do not receive fire protection. All properties in Area F contribute to Parks and Rec, Rural Projects, Victim Services, Bylaws, and Grant-in-aid.
Right now, Area F is looking at an overall 6.95% increase.
The most significant Areaf F change is due to Penticton's fire protection service.
In 2023, Greater West Bench paid $398,000.
In 2024, Greater West Bench will pay $494,311 (an increase of $95,580).
That is an increase of $95,580. The overall increase for all of Area F is $132,496
Your overall tax increase will be much less if you do not live in Greater West Bench.
The Parks Commission (all of Area F) is showing a $26,000 increase. However, that has already been decreased to a $2500 increase for the third reading. I didn't get the update in on time.
Faulder Water System - no rate change
West Bench Water System - see below. Increases align with city rates.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Cheers, Riley
