Below is a recap of the Community Check-in for Greater West Bench and Sage Mesa
Slide two: Presentation Outline
Welcome and thank you for coming. The RDOS board is about to head into a few months of strategic planning and budget meetings. For the 2019 budget, we had a community meeting in January (after the first reading of the budget but before the final reading). Which was great because I was able to go back to the board table with community input.
This year, I wanted to check-in with you all before we set the budget and the strategic plan for staff for 2020, 2021 (ongoing).
I also wanted to provide updates on recent issues that I heard the most about and confirm community priorities.
Slide three: Infrastructure Updates
Sage Mesa Water System - no change to report and discussions are ongoing. Here is a link to the fact sheet mailed out over last summer.
Max Lake Road regarding fire hazards - there is not a simple answer as there are a number of stakeholders involved (MoTI, PIB, Land Trust, RDOS). MoTI is not supportive of gating public roads. Alternative approaches are being explored by RDOS staff with the various stakeholders. This will not be a quick process.
BC Transit - public engagement to begin in early 2020.
GeoTech Review - a short term action item from the OCP. Expect a report out in summer 2020.
Slide four and five: KVR
KVR - RDOS has a standing offer to PIB to enter into an agreement to upgrade and operate the trail, but that cannot happen until the PIB owns the trail. RDOS staff will keep in touch with PIB and request action on the pot-holes.
Slide six: Commissions
Volunteers are always welcome!
Slide seven: Critical Risk and Community Association Groups
Discussion around how do we gain traction with community led groups (block watch, wildlife conflict, etc.) when we don't have reliable, accessible and affordable community centre/space.
Slides eight - ten
Reconfirmed the importance of working with SD67 on a shared use agreement.
Explored the timing of partnering with SD67 given BC Transit is bringing in a public transit system in Sept. 2020 and West Bench Elementary was a popular recommended bus stop site.
Discussed north field and parking lot - is there opportunity for the community and SD67 to partner to serve students and the broader community?
Ongoing discussion between SD67 staff and RDOS staff around what partnership could look like.
Slide 11 - Communications
Preferred methods of communication: this blog, mail-out newsletters and sandwich boards.
Community Discussion
Solana Cr. in need of repair due to sinkholes around culvert
KVR and potholes - ongoing issue. Community wants to know what the hold up is on the transfer from CN Rail to PIB.
SIR - codling moth
West Bench Hill Bridge - heritage site? Any upgrades/replacements planned. The bridge acts as a natural traffic calming mechanism.
Community would like to meet new RCMP Liaison and Superintendent. Interest remains for a block watch group. We need community champions.
Confirmed Greater West Bench and Sage Priorities: SD67 Relationship and community centre/access, working with City Fire Department on community fire risk mitigation and KVR update.
Communication via Director's blog, sandwich boards and newsletter are well received. Investigate permanent signs for community events.
Again, thank you to those who were able to attend. It was useful for me to check in on community priorities to help best allocate staff time and resources. I will keep updates here as we go.
As always, thank you for reading and please let me know if you have any comments here, via email or phone 250-488-0246.
Thank you.