There have been a few sightings of a young cub in its own in the West Bench Area. Last sighting that I know about was this morning in the school bud turn around.
I called conservation to ask what can be done to help the bear cub who seems to be separated from its mom. Here is what they told me:
If the bear is about the size of a german shepherd or bigger, it is old enough to fend for itself and conservation would not take any action.
However, it if is smaller than a german shepherd - conservation should be called.
There is a place in Langley and another in Smithers that take in young bears to help them out until they are old enough to fend for themselves.
I have not see this little one - so I don't know the size. However, if see the cub and you think it may need some help, call conservation to let them know where the cub is, it will help them to track it down.
They are open 24/7 and can be reached at 1-877-952-7277